Section: Dissemination

Miscellaneous Activities

Within the Minalogic Pôle de compétitivité mondial, H. Garavel is a member of the operational committee of the EMSOC cluster (Embedded System on Chip).

H. Garavel was a reviewer for the German Excellence Initiative (Engineering Sciences Review Panel ING 14 for Clusters of Excellence), Bonn (Germany), January 10–12, 2012.

H. Garavel was a member of the working group in charge of restructuring the scientific themes of the LIG laboratory.

H. Garavel, F. Lang, R. Mateescu, G. Salaün, and W. Serwe attended the Inria evaluation seminar for teams working on “Embedded Systems and Real-Time”, Rungis/Orly (France), March 19–20, 2012.

H. Garavel participated in the 40th Symposium for Research Award Winners of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Bamberg (Germany), March 22–25, 2012.

H. Garavel participated in the “Cérémonie de remise du Prix Gay-Lussac Humboldt 2011”, Académie des Sciences – Institut de France, Paris, April 10, 2012.

H. Garavel participated in the Annual Meeting (Jahrestagung) of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Berlin, June 19–21, 2012.

H. Garavel was a reviewer for the “Futur et Ruptures” joint programme of Institut Mines-Télécom and Fondation Télécom.

F. Lang is a member of the “commission du développement technologique”, which is in charge of selecting R&D projects for Inria Grenoble – Rhône-Alpes.

R. Mateescu is the correspondent of the “Département des Partenariats Européens” for Inria Grenoble – Rhône-Alpes.

G. Salaün was a member of the council of ENSIMAG until October 2012.

G. Salaün is a member of the council of the LIG laboratory.

G. Salaün is a member of the scientific council of Grenoble INP (Conseil scientifique de l'institut).